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Hardware and Data.

Using an inexpensive Uninterruptible Power Supply (often referred to as a UPS), you can
safeguard both your hardware and data easily and effectively. A UPS is basically a backup
A/C power supply consisting of a battery with a series of power filters that offers the
following functions:
- Regulated, safe power. A UPS filters power from the wall socket to remove any
static or power spikes and prevent them from damaging your PC, printer, scanner, or
whatever you happen to be running and increasing the life span of your system and
peripherals. Spikes and surges are commonly caused by things like ligthtning, furnaces or
freezers, motors starting , industral machinery, or when the power company turns the power
on or switches their lines
- Backup Power A "grace period" during a power outage and brownouts which
allows you to safely shut down cash registers, point of sale systems, computers and
sensitive peripherals. Any sudden, unexpected loss of power can adversely affect your data
and hardware. Files become corrupted, and hardware can be worn out quicker or even damaged
by power surges. A UPS contains a large battery which is capable of running the average
system and all it's peripherals for several minutes, giving you the precious time needed
to shut down files and equipment. A UPS can even perform the shutdown processes for you,
in case you happen to be out of the office.
- Insurance. Most Uninterruptible Power Supplies also come with insurance. This
usually states that should an electrical surge or storm damage your systems or peripherals
while connected to the unit, they will replace your computer up to a certain value. Most
UPS units are insured for at least $25,000 worth of damages.
A UPS unit can also come equipped with any number of special features:
- Universal Serial Bus connectors (for faster & easier connection to your PC)
- Phone Line protection and filters (keep phone lines safe and crystal clear for voice,
modem, and fax communication)
- Network Cabling protection and filters (protect your network and ensure a clean data
signal between PCs)
- Television/Satellite Cable (protect televisions and sensitive elctronics from lightening
Even if you decide against the benifits of a full blown UPS, no
user can afford to be without a surge protector. Sometimes referred to as a Power Bar,
these devices not only allow several devices to be plugged into a single outlet, but they
also afford some protection from more dangerous spikes and surges.
Which type and size of UPS you should have depends on the system you'll be
running off it, how many peripherals, the size of your monitor and case, and even the age
of the wiring in your building. If you only intend to run the average desktop or tower
system with a 14" or 15" monitor, you can make do with a smaller UPS unit. On
the other hand, if you have a network server, a hub, router or switcher, and/or a large
monitor, you'll definitely need a larger capacity UPS. You can still get by with a smaller
unit, but it will provide power for a shorter duration and reduces battery life.
Uninteruptible power Supplies start at about $100 and up. ![[UPS Sizes - APC]](ups_many.gif)
For information and advice on UPS's, contact us here at Nova Stars
Information Services or try one of these automated web pages:
Size-UPS - A free service from
APC, a major UPS manufacturer, this automated for is easy to fill out and will give you a
good idea of what sort of products will best fit your needs.
Basics - Another free service from APC, this powerful and easy to use glossary and FAQ
(Frequentyl Asked Questions) to help you understand the basics of power events as well as
why you should be protected.
![[Big UPS - APC]](ups_big.gif)
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